2 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Dyu - Ha on Unsplash

I know you broke me when the idea of falling in love again felt impossible.
I swear you were the one, the prince that was sent to me.
I told my friends, my parents, and everyone I knew. Because I thought our bond was going to last forever.
You don’t know how excited I was to tell everyone how and when we first met.
I guess it was all for nothing.
Do you remember how we used to talk about “what if” scenarios when we were bored? It keeps me up at night, thinking of the “what ifs”.
What if you didn’t hurt me?
What if you loved me the way I loved you?
Maybe in another lifetime, another timeline, another world.
Maybe in another world, it wouldn’t be easy for you to forget me. Over there we could have worked out.
But in this world, we’re strangers again. As if nothing happened between us.
You left and took half of me with you.
It felt like you threw me so far from myself and all I’ve been doing is trying to find my way back ever since.
I hate how I can feel you forgetting me, while all I can do is remember.
I can’t forget the memories we made together. The bond we used to have. But I guess it all meant nothing to you.
I’m so lost because, for me, you felt like home.
I wanted to laugh with you every day, not cry about you every day.
I miss you, but I know you will fix nothing. So, strangers we stay.
Even though you were the one who caused me pain, I’ll try not to hold it against you.
Because then I’d only be hurting the person I love, and it’d hurt me to do that.
Hence, why, no matter how hard I try to hate you, I’ll never be able to.
And until I meet one, I’ll focus on healing.
I’m not going to where I’m needed, but where I’m loved.